Eyelid correction, blepharoplasty

What is an eyelid correction?

With an eyelid correction, we correct the upper or lower eyelid, or both. The excess skin disappears and if necessary, the surgeon also removes part of the muscle and excess fat tissue underneath.

Eyelid correction procedure

The scars are barely conspicuous as they are located in a natural fold or in a laugh line.
We often perform this procedure at the same time as a MACS lift. This is mostly done under local anaesthetic.

Consult our specialists for expert advice tailored to your needs and requirements. They practice the latest techniques and offer you tailor-made advice on the most appropriate aesthetic treatment.

Discuss your treatment during
a no-obligation initial consultation

Prices eyelid correction

Upper eyelid correction: as of €1,400
Lower eyelid correction: as of €1,400
Combination upper and under eyelid correcion: as of €2,500

Related prodecures

Example of the result of an eyelid correction

Nieuwelaan, 224, B - 1860 Meise, Telefoon: +32(0)2/260 11 00, Fax: +32(0)2/260 11 11, E-mail: info@atlaskliniek.be

Discuss your treatment or procedure

You are considering a treatment? Benefit of our specialist advice, tailored to your situation. Discrete, objective and skillful.
After receiving your request, we’ll contact you to fix an appointment.

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