Ear correction, otoplasty

What is an ear correction?

An ear correction improves the position and size of the ear. Torn ears or ear lobes can also be restored.

Procedure ear correction

Via a little cut at the back of the ear, the surgeon exposes the cartilage. He then folds the jawbone in the desired shape and secures it with special stitches. If necessary, a piece of cartilage is cut away. The doctor then stitches up the skin. The scar is invisible. For adults, local anaesthetic is sufficient, in some cases combined with a sedative.

For children, the procedure is performed under general anaesthetic.

Consult our specialists for expert advice tailored to your needs and requirements. They practice the latest techniques and offer you tailor-made advice on the most appropriate aesthetic treatment.

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a no-obligation initial consultation

Price ear correction

The price for an ear correction is as of €1,600.

Nieuwelaan, 224, B - 1860 Meise, Telefoon: +32(0)2/260 11 00, Fax: +32(0)2/260 11 11, E-mail: info@atlaskliniek.be

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