Postoperative care

Aftercare and plastic surgery

An important part of your aesthetic treatment is the aftercare.

Aftercare immediately after the plastic or aesthetic surgery

Immediately after the surgery you will be monitored in the recovery room where you wake up. Afterwards you’ll be taken to your private room.
The doctor will check you before you can leave the clinic. Furthermore, the Atlas Kliniek will offer you advice on how to best take care once you are at home.

Control of the healing process

Depending on the type of the treatment that you have received, control of the healing process can be arranged in the Atlas Kliniek.

Nieuwelaan, 224, B - 1860 Meise, Telefoon: +32(0)2/260 11 00, Fax: +32(0)2/260 11 11, E-mail:

Discuss your treatment or procedure

You are considering a treatment? Benefit of our specialist advice, tailored to your situation. Discrete, objective and skillful.
After receiving your request, we’ll contact you to fix an appointment.

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